In Loving Memory of My Dear Little Samus
I have always believed that the salvation of mankind lies in our ability to feel compassion. Whether that be compassion for other human beings or for other creatures on this Earth. We share our homes with animals both large and small, and for a short while, I had two such companions. One remains with me to this day, but I fear the other has gone to a better place.
I will always remember the day I brought little Samus home. So small and fragile, he became a member of my family. With his claws dug snugly into my shirt, and eagerly looking around at the new world before him, I introduced him to my home and other cat, Artemis. It was with me that he would live for the next year and a half.
Having two cats, like having little children, was both joyous and frustrating at the same time. I'll admit there were times when I wished the two of them would just sit quietly in their own corners, but mostly I loved both cats as much as I have ever loved any other living being. They were like my own children, and I loved them both.
Samus was always the playful one. He loved to run around, chasing bugs and imaginary friends. I bought a laser pointer one day, and it immediately became his favourite toy. He would chase the little red dot around for hours on end without tiring. Samus slept in my room, because the bed was always warm. One morning I even woke up with him sitting on my head. And although I spent the next hour washing fur out of my mouth and nose, that memory will always remain with me.
Unlike most cats, Samus needed affection like a plant needs water. He soaked it up until he was full and then came back for more. You could never give him enough attention, and it was always difficult to leave him at home for fear he'd spend the whole day crying that no one would hold him or pet him. I used to rub his tummy while he purred loudly. Like a little engine, he was.
And then there came a time when I could no longer care for him. With his growing needs, and my inability to spend the necessary time with him, something had to be done. You have to remember that I never stopped loving Samus. I wanted only what was best for him, and I truly felt that if he were placed in a home where that person could care for him and him alone, he would be better off. He needed more attention and love that I simply could not give. So I began a search for an adoptive home. The requests were many, but most did not follow through or did not seem right. In retrospect, none of them were right for him because I had picked him out of the pet shop. I had chosen him and made him a part of my family. It was never right to put him in someone else's care.
Shortly after I placed the ad, another university student called me and asked if I could meet him and if he could meet Samus. I arranged the meeting and he came by one evening. Samus was reluctant to be held and petted by this new person, as he was with all strangers. Not even my roommate was ever able to hold Samus for long, but he always sat still in my arms. This guy, Scott, seemed to me like a good person. He told me he longed for a cat to care for and that he was almost overflowing with a need to have a cat to love. I believed him.
And so, I put together Samus' belongings, his bed and scratching post, some toys, and a blanket. Scott called a cab and I placed Samus in his arms. He was unhappy to go, away from his kitty brother Artemis, to whom he'd grown very attached, and away from the place he'd learned to call home. That was the last time I ever saw my little Samus.
Last night, I received some shocking and disturbing news. A young man from B.C. has been going around campus and adopting cats. In the past year, he has adopted several kittens; one has been found dead, and the rest seem to have disappeared. My contact and an investigator at the SPCA both believe he has either killed them, left them to fend for themselves on the streets, or sold them to laboratories for research. I am pursuing the matter further but I fear the worst may have befallen my dear little Samus.
I want Samus to be remembered, and I ask that you remember him too. For within our hearts he will always remain, as a treasured and loved member of my family. Artemis remains with me, and together we will remember the little kitten who made us all a family. Samus, I miss you, I love you, and we will never forget.