Monday, November 06, 2006

Awards Shows: 2 - Kanye West: 0

WARNING: This entry is loaded with expletives. Read at your own risk.

Can I just say, Kanye West is a total fuckin' idiot (sorry Phil, I know you like his music and all, but he is such a fuckin' whiner!). I was just reading, and then subsequently watching it on YouTube, about his tirade at the MTV Europe Awards where he claimed, "If I don't win, this show loses credibility!" What the FUCK is that?! Get the hell off your goddamned high horse, accept that someone else did a better fuckin' video than you, and move the fuck on!

And this ain't the first time he's been a sore loser. When he didn't win all of his nominations at the Grammys in 200-something, he went to his press conference and complained that he should have won. Oh, well that's awfully mature of you Mr. West. You're a sore fuckin' loser, that's what you are. Seriously, you are not the end-all, be-all of hip-hop music. There are hundreds of other musicians who can do what you do, and they're a helluva lot nicer and modest than you are. You're like a spoiled little kid who thinks he deserves the world on a silver fuckin' platter. Well guess what? That's not reality you fuckin' moron. Grow the fuck up and move on! You are NEVER, and I mean NEVER, going to win everything. That just ain't the way things work.

Because Kanye West is a big fuckin' cry-baby, I refuse to listen to his music, support his work, or even watch his "million-dollar" videos starring Pamela Anderson. I just won't. You win some, you lose some. Can't have everything Mr. West. You just can't.


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