Thursday, October 19, 2006

Next Up: Romulan Birds-of-Prey

Scientists at Duke University have successfully created a cloaking device. For those of you who aren't totally versed in the ways of science fiction, this is HUGE!! To be able to bend electromagnetic waves around an object such that detection becomes difficult to impossible is a massive step forward into developing military technology that would put the United States well ahead of the rest of the world.

What these researchers have done is created a metamaterial ("engineered mixtures of metal and circuit board materials") which is able to bend microwaves around a small object. Detection with microwaves requires instrumentation, but this will be key to developing cloaked fighter jets undetectable by radar (a significant improvement over the stealth technology currently employed by the Stealth Bomber). While a shadow still exists, the team is working on ways of improving the device to eliminate all shadows. The next step will be to develop the metamaterial for cloaking objects in visible light.

The potential for a discovery like this is massive. Already the team is looking at developing this technology for "protecting sensitive electronics from harmful radiation." The lead researcher has speculated that "one could imagine 'cloaking' acoustic waves so as to shield a region from vibration or seismic activity."

Granted the work done so far is not perfect, but it proves that it is within the realm of the possible. We know that work on a teleportation device is also in development, so humanity is slowly inching towards achieving all those not-so-crazy-anymore futuristic devices that we see on TV. Maybe one day we'll have phasers too.

"Set phasers for kill!"
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise


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